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Myriam a.k.a. ~?lue Fl@me~ wrote on Sunday, 24 July 2005 at 14.33 :
O jee, daar word ik nerveus van

ishku wrote on Sunday, 24 July 2005 at 21.33 :
Is dat de meest irritante stem van het universum of hoe zit het? En 'hoe zit het' is geen antwoord.

Urgh, dat zijn zo van die dingen die zouden featuren in mijn ergste nachtmerrie. EN VOORAL DIE STEM..

droopy en chlo wrote on Monday, 25 July 2005 at 9.51 :
kvind et gewoon hilarisch
" you've gone flat little sister"

Jochen wrote on Monday, 25 July 2005 at 18.21 :
"What's this rather queer looking contraption?"
"You can be called a...... nettle carrier "